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Just so you know, the frequency -> channel mapping varies drastically from country to country. Analog cable frequencies also varies from over the air in most countries too.

UK Radio Times

For the Radio Times data, it's possible to do a reverse lookup if you map the XMLTV ID (the domains style one) back to the RT ID and then you can use that to query the public site to find the channel number for a particular platform. I mangled a copy of the main grabber script to do this job, which I can tidy up a little and post if people are interested.

I don't know if this would be a useful addition to the RT XMLTV subdomain and whether its something that could be negotiated, perhaps when a lineup standard is agreed. On which note good work to whoever got the RT stuff sorted.

--Peternewman 17:04, 5 June 2009 (EDT)