How to build XMLTV.EXE
First, let's be clear.. this is not cheap nor easy. Building XMLTV.EXE requires purchasing ActiveState's Perl Developer Kit for about US$300. Most people can easily live with the Windows distribution and Alpha EXE. Those that need to modify a script, I suggest running a XMLTVWindowsBuild Native Windows Build.
For many years, this was black magic... I (Robert) had a PC where I had all the necessary modules working and I didn't touch it except to build XMLTV.EXE. That version of perl was very old.. but it kept working. Perl modules were obtained via ppm, cygwin, and more places than I could remember. It wasn't reproducible. The time had come to modernize and thanks to [Strawberry Perl] reproducible.
So, let's begin..
1. First follow the [Procedure to Build your own Strawberry Perl]
I used c:\strawberryport for my Portable Strawberry I used c:\strawberry_build for my build directory I used c:\strawberry for my output directory I used C:\strawberryport\perl\site\lib\auto\share\dist\Perl-Dist-Strawberry\32bit- to build
1. Install [Strawberry Perl Portable Edition] I put mine in c:\strawberryport
2. I recommend removing any other Perl or GCC stuff from your Path. It may not be needed, but It's safer.
3. Execute "c:\strawberryport\portableshell.bat" to open a command shell with the right environment variables.
4. Execute "perldist_strawberry"