Revision as of 13:46, 8 February 2011 by Yecarrillo (Talk | contribs)
[hide]Program viewers
- gShowTV : A TV program schedule viewer and a Personal Video Recorder GUI
- OnTV : GNOME Applet for monitoring current and upcoming TV programs.
- skXMLTV : Superkaramba XML TV Viewer (for Lunix/KDE)
- XSLTv : Browser-based viewer for XMLTV listings.
- TV-Browser : Java application to display personalized TV/Radio program listings (can use a converter to read XMLTV style files)
- FreeGuide TV Guide : Java-based application to display personalised TV program listings, uses native XMLTV support.
- StoryTV : .NET application to create a personalized TV-guide every week based on your preferences.
- Yabby TV Guide : A light-weight program for XMLTV listings. In alpha testing as of June 2007.
- nxtvepg : EPG with TeleTEXT data source that also can read and write XMLTV files
- TvFox : A daily program guide for Firefox
- SquareEyes : Download and view RadioTimes .dat files - Windows
- TV Grid Listings - XMLTV Viewer : Import XMLTV listings and view them in a TV grid format (for iPhone/iPod touch)
PVR and Media centers
- Freevo : An open-source home theatre PC platform based on Linux
- MythTV : Personal Video Recorder for Linux
- SageTV : Commercial PVR and media center for Windows.
- Showshifter : Commercial PVR and media center for Windows (now defunct).
- J. River Media Center : Commercial, for Windows
- Meedio: Commercial media center for Windows (now defunct, sold to Yahoo!).
- MediaPortal : Open-Source Media Center
- Beyond TV : Commercial PVR for Windows
- GB-PVR : free (but not open-source) PVR for Windows
- DVB Web Sheduler : open source PVR for Windows written in java
- DScaler : An ongoing attempt to get the best video quality possible from a Windows PC
- EyeTV : Commercial, for Mac OS X
tv listing grabbers not part of XMLTV SF project
- belguide : A Belgian XMLTV Grabber
xmltv helper application
- autoEPG : an application for easier configuration and automatic download of XMLTV data it can also use TVxb. epgstream.net, XMLTVgui, it translates the guide data to familiar language (example german, france and others into english or other) and injects the guide data into Windows Media Center 7
- xmltv2ical : convert xmltv to iCalendar
- xmltv-druid : a very simple Gnome druid for selecting, configuring and scheduling a tv_grab task for XMLTV.
- TVXB : Another program extractor (Windows and Wine).
- XMLTV Producer for PHP : Framework to write XMLTV grabbers in PHP.
- qxmltvhandler: A XMLTV handler in Qt (currently only used for Belgian grabber)