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(DRAFT in PROGRESS - Detailed RTV FreeSCO WiRNS setup instructions)
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These have NOT been reviewed by the experts, and are still draft form, so use at your own risk.  If you are one of the aforementioned experts, please feel free to comment and correct.  If you are in the same slightly-confused place that I am, you may want to wait until the set has been fully reviewed, corrected, and published.
These have NOT been reviewed by the experts, and are still draft form, so use at your own risk.  If you are one of the aforementioned experts, please feel free to comment and correct.  If you are in the same slightly-confused place that I am, you may want to wait until the set has been fully reviewed, corrected, and published.

Revision as of 21:01, 26 June 2011

With help from the experts, I'm creating a detailed set of instructions, learning as I go, for getting a modem-based ReplayTV (2000, 3000, Showstopper) to get guide listings once the Replay service is turned off on 7/31/2011.

These have NOT been reviewed by the experts, and are still draft form, so use at your own risk. If you are one of the aforementioned experts, please feel free to comment and correct. If you are in the same slightly-confused place that I am, you may want to wait until the set has been fully reviewed, corrected, and published.