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With help from the experts, I'm creating a detailed set of instructions (expanding on the info at http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/ReplayTV-FreeSCO), learning as I go, for getting a modem-based ReplayTV (2000, 3000, Showstopper) to get guide listings once the Replay service is turned off on 7/31/2011.
the instructions that were here have been moved to the main page --> http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/ReplayTV-FreeSCO
These have NOT been reviewed by the experts, and are still draft form, so use at your own risk.  If you are one of the aforementioned experts, please feel free to comment and correct.  If you are in the same slightly-confused place that I am, you may want to wait until the set has been fully reviewed, corrected, and published.
== Overview ==
In the ReplayTV 2000, ReplayTV 3000, and Panasonic Showstoppers (referred to here as "Replay"), there's a modem that dials out each night to retrieve guide listings, syncronize the clock, and do a few other odds and ends (like create service notifications and change the graphic on the pause screen).  After 7/31/2011, this will no longer be happening.
This set of step-by-step instructions will help you create your own replacement for the guide listings and clock syncronization features.  (It also means that if Replay was the only reason you were keeping your home phone / landline, you can now get rid of it.)  These instructions are not the only way to get a working solution, but were designed with the goal of keeping additional costs to a minimum.
You will need (in addition to your Replay):<br>
1. A Windows-based PC (running Windows98 or later) with always-on internet access (like cable or DSL), which can stay on overnight <br>
2. An unused dial-up modem (for use with phonelines, not cable or DSL)<br>
3. A phone cord long enough to connect the Replay to the PC modem<br>
4. (maybe) A device (such as a chat cord - wwww.chatcord.com) to provide power for the phone line<br>
A note about the modem:  your desktop or laptop may already have a built-in dial-up modem (look for a phone port - it's a little smaller than your ethernet port), you may have to dust off an old exeternal modem, or you may need to buy a modem.  If your modem is not capable of direct modem-to-modem communication (as is the case with many internal modems), you will also need a device to provide power to the phone line / phone cord.  An active phone line has a small amount of power on it (which is why corded phones usually don't need a power supply, and continue to work during power outages), but you'll be connecting your PC directly to the Replay, bypassing an active phone line.  Some modems can compensate for this (such as the US Robotics v. Everything), but many can't (such as most laptop modems).  There's no easy way to tell the difference, but it will become clear very early in this process whether you will need a chat cord or not.
== This is a new section ==
Just checking what a new section looks like
VMWare:  Free for personal, non-commercial use.  You wlil have to register.
== And this is heading two ==
just checking...
== And some final notes... ==
Prior to 7/31, it is recommended that you DISCONNECT your phone line from the ReplayTV box, even if you haven't gotten this solution working yet.  It's not clear when the ability to dial-out will be disabled entirely.  If it happens on 7/31 (or if your Replay has already received the message to stop doing this on 7/31), then it's likely going to be a bit more complicated to get everything working again.

Latest revision as of 17:35, 10 July 2011

the instructions that were here have been moved to the main page --> http://wiki.xmltv.org/index.php/ReplayTV-FreeSCO