
Revision as of 08:04, 4 October 2010 by Dekarl (Talk | contribs) (Known Issues with Character Encoding: update notes)

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Known Issues with Character Encoding

Which grabbers status will turn red if we add character encoding checks?

  • tv_grab_ch_search data source sends windows-1252 as iso-8859-1 (e.g. Euro Symbol) Newer HTML readers are supposed to handle this correctly. Need to verify that we can dump perl strings at XMLTV::Writer and it will do the right thing with regard to escaping anything outside $encoding into XML entities.
  • tv_grab_se_swedb data source sends windows-1252 as iso-8859-1 (e.g. single right quotation mark in actor name from data source Viasat)
  • tv_grab_re writes iso-8859-1 header and programs but adds utf-8 encoded categories.
  • #1910245 should add a test for HTML entities in the generated XML. (hint ´ is invalid XML!)

Issues with Time Zones

Memory Leaks??

Cleanup List

Feel free to take anything from the list

  • #1880681 the bug was solved (not a bug), the suggestion for Supplementary Files is turning one can of worms into another...
  • tv_grab_huro has no maintainer?
    • #2748362 site changes: holes in the collected programs
    • #2837668 site changes: unexpected hash references
    • #2858285 close it, was "no channels found", the grabber does not fail completely anymore (see status)
    • #2880092 close it, was "no programs at all", test_grabbers gets some programs
    • #2910015 close it, was "no programs on channel 1", test_grabbers tests with that channel succesful
  • #1938073 close it, XMLTVFormat doesn't allow floating time stamps! so shifting stuff around to please some local time is up to the consuming program. (better yet, just store everything in utc and add some intelligent local time handling... /rant)
You can also append a timezone to the end; if no explicit timezone is given, UTC is assumed.

Cleanup SourceForge Project

  • remove group/status/category examples from the tracker (might check for other unused stuff while there)

Check for Breakage caused by LWP::Simple

  • silent uncompression
  • silent code page conversion
  • silent proxy handling

Maybe it's best to move most uses over to our own Get_nice.

Potential Data Sources

  • #3015240 pt_meo dedicated API, seems clear for personal use (and _pt is a scraper)
  • #2825794 mx, user medisoft likes to run his own xmltv service, maybe suggest to contact the stations and use nonametv ;)